this crazy life

this crazy life
at Emma's baptism, March 2008

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

He blinded me with SCIENCE

So Eli had a science fair project to do. And in accordance with true Hendricks style, we did it last night. We went to the fair this evening and to our surprise.... ELI TOOK 3rd PLACE in the 4th grade group! Woo hoo! Go ELI!! He teamed up with another boy and they titled their project "Which Style of Paper Airplane Flies the Farthest?". They tested 3 different styles and wrote up a whole report about it. I am so proud of them. They really did a lot of work for it. I was a bit sad when we didn't see it on display in the hallway, but that was because it was in the library with the rest of the winners!

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